You might have seen several hard inquiries on your credit report, after applying for either a credit card or loan. But how many hard inquiries is too many?
In order to improve or maintain your credit score, you should be familiar with the three main kinds of credit: installment, revolving, and open. This information will help you decide how to use the types of credit. Read more.
Equifax and Experian are the most common credit bureaus used among auto lenders. While TransUnion may be less frequently used, lenders may use it as well. Read more.
Starting fresh with credit? Discover easy options like credit builder loans, secured credit cards, and rent reporting services to get started. Read more.
How quickly a car loan will build your credit score depends on how well you manage your payments, and what else is going on in your credit history. Read on to learn how a car loan affects your credit. Read more.
How much a secured credit card impacts your credit score varies based on several factors. We'll explain how it works and what you can do to build your credit. Read more.
A cash advance won’t cause direct credit score damage, but there are ways this type of transaction could harm your score in the long run. Here are some things to consider before you use this type of financing.
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Discover 10 simple credit score hacks to get your credit into better shape and lift your score. Learn key strategies and start improving from today! Read more.