A landlord's decision will depend on the apartment complex, the rental market, and your income. We'll explain and provide ways to rent with bad credit.
We've put together the top questions you should ask a mortgage lender if you're preparing to buy your first home or apply for a new mortgage. Read more.
Curious about how mortgage interest works? Learn how it's calculated, how it affects your monthly payments, and the difference between fixed and variable rates. Read more.
Your credit history (good, bad, or the lack thereof) can impact your life in many ways. And if you want to rent a new apartment, the details on your credit report could help determine whether a landlord approves or denies your application. Read more.
A list of questions every renter should ask when hunting for a new apartment to help you know what to look out for and to protect yourself during this process. Read more.
If you satisfy the terms of your lease, breaking it won’t affect your credit unless unpaid rent is reported to the credit bureaus or sent to collections. Read more.
If you’re applying for a time-sensitive loan, a lender may be able to use a rapid rescore to update your credit report quickly to show recent positive changes. Read more.