You might have seen several hard inquiries on your credit report, after applying for either a credit card or loan. But how many hard inquiries is too many?
In order to improve or maintain your credit score, you should be familiar with the three main kinds of credit: installment, revolving, and open. This information will help you decide how to use the types of credit. Read more.
Can you reopen a closed credit card? This article will explain the reasons why your account might have closed and provide you with steps to try and reopen it. Read more.
Starting fresh with credit? Discover easy options like credit builder loans, secured credit cards, and rent reporting services to get started. Read more.
In this post, we discuss how opening a new credit card can affect your credit score with examples of scenarios of what could happen if you do. Read more.
A strong credit foundation can give you access to financing which can help you reach your goals and sync your dreams to your reality. Here, we'll walk you through our top credit building tips. Read more.
Bankruptcy can affect your credit, but not forever. Learn how to rebuild credit after bankruptcy with steps to help you bounce back quickly. Read more.
No matter what stage you're at in your financial journey, there are simple steps you can take today to build credit more quickly. That's right, you don't need to pay for a pricey service or membership. Read more.