A credit builder loan is designed to help people who have little or no credit history. You’re required to make fixed payments upfront before accessing the loan. Read more.
If you have returned to work full-time, you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. We'll explain how to stop receiving these payments and what to do. Read more.
Each year, Self holds a scholarship contest to help students accomplish their education goals. We’re proud to announce our three winners for 2022.
Read more.
If you are one of many Americans who want to learn how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, try these nine tips to help improve your financial situation. Read more.
If you want to remove closed accounts from your credit report, this article details how to remove them, including which ones you should consider removing. Read more.
Is a 600 credit score good or bad? Understand how FICO® scoring works, what this score means for you, and tips to lift your credit for better options. Read more.