CREDCO is short for CoreLogic CREDCO. If you applied for a mortgage, auto loan, or another type of credit, it may have appeared on your credit report. Read more.
Yes, you have to pay taxes on unemployment benefits. Because unemployment benefits are counted as income, you will need to pay federal income taxes by law. Read more.
Credit information is connected to an SSN, but there are other ways to check your score. Read on to learn how to check credit scores with an ITIN number. Read more.
Building credit for the first time isn’t easy. Find out how being added as an authorized user on a credit card can affect your credit score. Read more.
Living rent free is where others are helping you pay for your living expenses. We'll provide a list of possible ways to reach that goal of living rent free. Read more.
CMRE Financial Services provides debt collection and management services to healthcare providers such as hospitals, dental practices, and ambulance services. Read more.
Harris & Harris is a debt collection company that purchases debt from creditors such as healthcare providers, utility companies, and government agencies. Read more.
Wells Fargo Dealer Services (WFDS) is the bank’s auto financing department, which has nearly 11,000 dealerships nationwide. We'll explain how they affect you. Read more.