Compare charge cards and credit cards with Self to learn the key differences, benefits, and drawbacks. Find out which option best suits your financial goals. Read more.
A popular guideline from Fidelity advises you to have at least 1x your income by the time you are 30. Learn more about recommended retirement savings here. Read more.
A strong credit foundation can give you access to financing which can help you reach your goals and sync your dreams to your reality. Here, we'll walk you through our top credit building tips. Read more.
Explore the benefits of using credit and how good credit can potentially elevate your finances, save interest, and make it easier to be accepted for credit. Read more.
Bankruptcy can affect your credit, but not forever. Learn how to rebuild credit after bankruptcy with steps to help you bounce back quickly. Read more.
To celebrate our 9th anniversary, we'll take a look at some of our major milestones and reflect on how much we’ve grown over the past nine years. Read more.