
Does Paying the Minimum Hurt Your Credit Score Header - 01Does Paying the Minimum Hurt Your Credit Score?
May 2, 2023
Making the minimum credit payment avoids late fees but may lead to higher utilization, which can affect your credit score. Read more.
Does Paying Off a Loan Early Hurt Your Credit Header - 01Does Paying Off a Loan Early Hurt Your Credit?
April 25, 2023
Does paying off loans early hurt your credit? It depends on your credit and financial history. Learn key factors to consider before paying off your loan. Read more.
What Does Your Credit Score Start at Header - 01What Does Your Credit Score Start At?
April 10, 2023
You don’t receive a credit score until you establish credit history. Then, your score will be unique to you. Learn more about starting credit scores here. Read more.
What is a Utility Bill and Can It Build Credit Header - 01What Is a Utility Bill and Can It Build Credit?
April 9, 2023
A utility bill is a monthly statement showing the total balance of a household’s use of an essential service, such as electricity, water, or natural gas. Read more.
VantageScore vs. FICO Header - 01VantageScore® vs. FICO®: How Credit Score Models Differ
March 29, 2023
VantageScore® and FICO® are both credit scoring models but have some key differences. Read on to learn how the two compare and impact your credit score. Read more.
How to Rebuild Your Credit 8 Effective Strategies Header - 01How to Rebuild Your Credit: 8 Effective Strategies
March 28, 2023
Ways to rebuild credit include: keeping your credit utilization ratio low, using a secured credit card, and becoming an authorized user. Get started right away. Read more.
How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) Header - 01How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring)
March 26, 2023
If you’re applying for a time-sensitive loan, a lender may be able to use a rapid rescore to update your credit report quickly to show recent positive changes. Read more.
Does Opening a Checking Account Affect Your Credit Score Header - 01Does Opening a Checking Account Affect Your Credit Score?
March 22, 2023
Opening a new bank account likely won’t affect your credit. Banks use ChexSystems to screen your banking history, which doesn’t impact your credit score. Read more.