How Credit Affects Employment

jobs-you-need-good-credit-to-getJobs You Need Good Credit to Get
December 12, 2019
Learn which jobs check your credit score and how it can impact hiring decisions. Know what employers are looking for before applying. Read more.
Young woman entrepreneur standing in front of her desk. Starting a Business as an Immigrant to the U.S.
October 10, 2019
Entrepreneurs always face challenges, but starting a business as a new immigrant can be even tougher. Here's what you need to know to get started. Read more.
Small business owner selling coffee 20 Common Business Funding Questions and Answers
July 25, 2019
How do you get funding for your small business? Get 20 answers to your business funding questions here. Read more.
Professional young woman shaking hands across the table11 Things You Never Thought You Could Negotiate (But Totally Can)
March 21, 2019
Sometimes the only person who can stick up for you is you. Here are 11 personal and professional situations where you can actually talk your way into a better deal. Read more.
young woman sits on the floor working on her laptopThe Freelancer’s Guide to Money Management and Financial Freedom
February 15, 2019
If you’re one of 53 million American freelancers, you’ll need to pay special attention to managing income, filing taxes correctly, getting insured, and saving for retirement. Read more.
2 people at an interviewCan You Be Denied a Job Due to Bad Credit?
March 5, 2018
Unfortunately, companies have every right to deny you a job due to your poor credit history - in most states. Here are a few ways to get ahead of the potential problem. Read more.
An image of a man and woman at a job interview in an office setting.Can An Employer Not Hire You Based On Your Credit? It Depends
September 8, 2015
If you live in 1 of the 40 states that have no pending laws about how employers use credit information to make employment decisions, then read this. Read more.