Personal Finance

Do You Have To Pay Taxes on Unemployment Benefits Header - 01Do You Have To Pay Taxes on Unemployment Benefits?
January 26, 2023
Yes, you have to pay taxes on unemployment benefits. Because unemployment benefits are counted as income, you will need to pay federal income taxes by law. Read more.
12 Legit Ways To Live Rent Free Header - 0112 Legit Ways To Live Rent Free
January 18, 2023
Living rent free is where others are helping you pay for your living expenses. We'll provide a list of possible ways to reach that goal of living rent free. Read more.
Truebill vs. Mint Which Budgeting App Is Best - HeaderRocket Money (Truebill) vs. Mint: Which Budgeting App Is Best?
January 3, 2023
Mint focuses on budgeting and creating savings goals, while Truebill focuses on lowering your bills or canceling unused subscriptions. We'll explain more below. Read more.
Man denied for a secured credit cardWhat to Do If You’re Denied a Secured Credit Card?
December 28, 2022
Getting rejected from a secured credit card can be confusing. We'll explain what to do if you were denied a secured credit card and the reasons why it happened. Read more.
DES-202-11Your Budget as Holiday Desserts
December 6, 2022
For a fun twist, here's your money management style in the form of some of your favorite festive sweet treats. Read more.
Do Tax Liens Appear on Your Credit Report Header - 01Do Tax Liens Impact Your Credit & How to Fix A Public Record
November 23, 2022
As of 2018, tax liens are no longer reported to the credit bureaus. However, they are part of public record. Read more.
What Is an Outstanding Judgment and How Does It Work Header - 01What Is an Outstanding Judgment and How Does It Work?
November 20, 2022
Outstanding judgments are existing debts that haven't been paid when a creditor has filed a debt collection lawsuit against you. We explain how they affect you. Read more.
What Happens If You Get A Job While On Unemployment Insurance Header - 01What Happens If You Get A Job While On Unemployment Insurance?
November 13, 2022
If you have returned to work full-time, you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. We'll explain how to stop receiving these payments and what to do. Read more.