If an inaccurate foreclosure appears on your credit reports, it can really hurt your credit score. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can dispute it. Read this article to learn how. Read more.
You can remove inaccurate hard inquiries from your credit report by filing a dispute with the three major credit bureaus. Read this article to learn why you should do this and how. Read more.
Missing a single student loan payment can be detrimental to your credit score, which is why it’s so important to dispute inaccurate information on your credit report and stay on top of payments. Read more.
If a debt collector has won a court case against you over unpaid debt and the civil judgment appears on your credit report, you might be able to remove it. Read this article to learn how. Read more.
Learn how a pay for delete letter can negotiate getting an item removed from credit reports. Follow along for steps and how to increase your chances of success. Read more.
A 609 letter requests the disclosure of information on your credit report. Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act grants consumers full access to their credit reports. Read more.
A charge-off damages your credit report, but you can try to remove it by disputing it, or paying it and requesting a “pay-for-delete” arrangement. Read this article to learn how. Read more.
If you have a credit score of 580, you may find it difficult to get a home or auto loan or a credit card. If you do qualify, you’re likely to pay higher interest rates. But you can take steps to understand and improve your credit score. Read more.