Building credit for the first time isn’t easy. Find out how being added as an authorized user on a credit card can affect your credit score. Read more.
AMEX/DSNB stands for American Express/Department Stores National Bank. You may see it on your report if you have a Macy's Inc. or Bloomingdale AMEX card. Read more.
Unless a third-party service is reporting your payment activity, utility bills are typically not reported and will not appear on your credit reports. Read more.
Getting rejected from a secured credit card can be confusing. We'll explain what to do if you were denied a secured credit card and the reasons why it happened. Read more.
Curious if a debit card can build your credit? Discover how debit cards work, their impact on your credit score, and how to establish good credit habits. Read more.
The 15/3 credit hack is a credit card payment trick used to help lower your credit card utilization and boost your credit score by making two payments a month. Read more.
If you’re weighing options between a line of credit vs. a credit card, there are some key areas to consider. Read on to find the best option for you. Read more.
Here's how to prevent the Holiday Debt Monster from rearing its ugly head this year, and finding a middle ground between staying within your budget, keeping an eye on your credit, and creating memories for you and your family.
Read more.