If you need to fix your credit, DIY credit repair is something you may be able to accomplish for free — no credit repair company is required. Here's how. Read more.
A credit sweep may sound tempting, but there is nothing credit repair companies can do to fix your credit that you can’t fix on your own — here’s how. Read more.
APR is the amount of interest you owe, while APY is the amount of interest you earn. We'll explain the key differences and how they are used and calculated. Read more.
You may be considering disposing of all your credit card statements, but we'll explain how long to keep credit card statements and the reasons why you should. Read more.
An NSF fee, also known as an insufficient funds fee, is a common bank fee that often catches people by surprise. We'll explain how to avoid paying them. Read more.
Sections 604 and 609 of the FCRA have similar numbers and refer to consumer reports and/or disclosures. Section 609 supports a dispute letter. Read more.