Personal Finance Blog

Older man looking over his credit reportHow Often Do Credit Reports Update?
February 11, 2020
You made payments on a loan or credit card and you want to see it reflected on your credit score ASAP. For the most part, patience is required. Read this article to learn how often credit reports are updated. Read more.
Cars in a lotPros and Cons of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Car Dealerships
February 6, 2020
Here’s a look at what you can expect from “buy-here, pay-here” car loans and the sellers that stand behind them. Read more.
Budget pulled up on a computerHow to Budget When Your Income Varies
February 4, 2020
If your income changes month-to-month, it can wreak havoc on your budget and financial goals. Here are some steps to help you plan so your finances stay on the right track. Read more.
How to File a Late Tax ReturnHow to File a Late Tax Return
January 23, 2020
There's a simple way to get more time to file your taxes – an extension. Here's how to get one, and what to watch out for you if you do. Read more.
Couple looking over their financesWhat's a Financial Windfall Plan? (And How to Make One)
January 21, 2020
Sometimes, if you're lucky, money falls in your lap. With the right plan, you can use that money to get ahead and build wealth. Here's what to know to make that money work for you. Read more.
There are 5 major factors that impact your credit score. 5 Major Credit Score Factors
January 16, 2020
Learn about the 5 major factors that impact your credit score the most. Read more.
Group of people wearing bright colors with laptops and tablets on a bench. Self Makes Built-In-Austin’s “Best Places to Work” List
January 13, 2020
Self recognized among Austin's best place to work. Read more.
man holding credit card and mobile phone with the self logo in foreground. How Do You Plan To Use Your Tax Refund?
January 13, 2020
Many Americans are stressed out by filing taxes and say they depend on getting a refund to keep their budgets in line. Check out our survey for more insights. Read more.