With what you've heard about the challenges of having bad credit, you might think it's better to have no credit score at all. That might be oversimplifying things. Read this article to compare each situation. Read more.
You're working toward becoming debt free and saving some money on interest. Should you pay off your car loan early? Here are some pros and cons about paying off your auto loan ahead of time. Read more.
Applying for a credit card may hurt your credit score, but most likely just a little and not for long. Depending on the goals you're building toward, however, you may want to think about when you apply for a credit card and how many. Read more.
Requesting a credit limit increase can be a good idea for building credit, as long as you can continue to responsibly manage that credit line. Learn more about the ins and outs of credit limit increases and your credit score. Read more.
Find out how checking your credit score really affects it. Learn the difference between soft and hard inquiries, and how they impact your score. Read more.