If you need a loan, but have no credit history - don't worry. You have options. Here are seven tips for getting a loan when you have no credit. Read more.
Foreclosure can have a significant, though not permanent, affect on your credit score. If you're struggling to keep up your mortgage payments, see other options before letting it get to foreclosure. Read more.
Self raises $10 million in series B funding, led by Altos Ventures. The money will be invested in growing the team, and expanding product and marketing capacity with the goal of helping more consumers establish or improve their credit. Read more.
When it comes to financial best practices, it’s never too early to start teaching kids about money. Here are 12 tips to make it easy and some printable money lessons for hands-on learning. Read more.
Most millennials and Gen Z respondents to our survey agreed that talking about personal finance is very important for the long-term success of a relationship. But a significant share of people haven't had such conversations with their partners and some topics will wait until after marriage. Read more.
Your credit history will be important throughout your life. Only 18? It's not too soon to start building credit. Find the three best ways to get started here. Read more.
Abel Iyasele of Nigeria is completing his doctoral program in financial economics at the University of New Orleans. He has won the 2018 Self $1,000 Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs. Read more.