Personal Finance Blog

Bad credit could lead you to being denied. What is a subprime credit score?
July 14, 2020
Learn what subprime credit means, and what you can do about it. Read more.
Destney J. built her credit from scratch with Self. Building Credit From Scratch with College Student Destney J.
July 9, 2020
Have trouble gaining access to credit for the first time? You're not alone. Learn how Destney overcame that same problem and worked her way to good credit. Read more.
This is an image of a man and woman and their child.The Best Cities to Save Money in the U.S.
July 8, 2020
Now more than ever, people are assessing their financial situation and making changes to become more resilient. This 2020 report looks at the best cities in the U.S. for saving money. Read more.
Credit card and bag of money in front of a 500 credit score. Debt Consolidation Loans With a 500 Credit Score
July 7, 2020
Shopping for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit? Read this guide first so you can weigh the pros and cons. Read more.
Guy carrying a bag of money with a 500 credit score. How to Get Personal Loans with Bad Credit
June 30, 2020
Is a bad credit loan idea? And can you get one if you have a 500 credit score? Here's everything you need to know about personal loans if you have bad credit. Read more.
Paying cash into a prepaid debit card, shaped like a box. The Complete Guide to Prepaid Debit Cards
June 25, 2020
Get the pros and cons of prepaid debit cards, and how they stack up to other payment options, in this complete guide. Read more.
Stevie Boi is an American fashion designer and entrepreneur who built his credit to build his business. How Entrepreneur Stevie Boi Built His Credit to Launch His Business
June 23, 2020
See how entrepreneur Stevie Boi built his credit to launch his empire. Read more.
A person with a 500 credit score sits on a credit card. Credit Cards for 500 Credit Score
June 18, 2020
Get the complete guide to credit cards if you have bad credit in the 500-600 credit score range. Read more.