Learn Money Management

Learning how to manage your personal finances is a critical skill for anyone. To help you do that, we created this list of the most comprehensive selection of money management experts and resources online.

How to Build Credit When You Have None
Building credit from scratch can be a lot easier when you understand where to start and which mistakes to avoid.
Download our guideIn it, you’ll find articles, YouTube channels, podcasts and more to help you:
- Hit your savings goals
- Pay down your debt
- Manage your spending
- Plan for retirement
…And much more.
Money Management Formats
Just use the links above or filtering system below to select the type of format (video, podcast, etc) you're most interested in.
One of the leading personal finance apps, Mint helps people track bills, debt payments, payment reminders, and set monthly budget limits.
YNAB is a personal finance app aimed at improving users' financial literacy while they manage their money.
This YouTube channel by influencer Marko provides viewers with actionable content that enables them to create financial wealth.
This YouTube channel by influencer Denis helps viewers learn about personal finance, investing, and retirement.
The YouTube channel teaches average American families about debt and money management skills as well as financial planning.
Learn money management skills like saving more, spending smartly, etc through interviews with financial influencers.
Learn the basics of investing and personal finance skills through this YouTube channel.
Learn the basics of personal finance and investing in an engaging manner on this YouTube channel, even if you're a total beginner.
This YouTube channel provides a platform for average Americans to share their personal finance stories and their lessons-learned-the-hard-way for others to follow.
This personal finance tool acts as a low-cost personal financial advisor by providing personalized recommendations to help you better manage your money.
Nick's videos are humor-based and deal with personal finance topics like debt repayment, saving and investing money, and achieving financial freedom.
Get help with budget creation, savings goals, debt tracking, and even investment coaching with this personal finance software tool.
Get answers to your various personal finance queries and learn about budgeting, debt elimination, investing and more in this engaging, interactive and extremely informative YouTube channel.
Clark Howard's podcast helps listeners establish a solid base in personal finance, with a focus on saving money and avoiding scams. The podcast is interesting, engaging, and easy to comprehend.
This informative, fun, and engaging podcast deals with a variety of personal finance and money management topics like saving for a house and saving for a vacation. Listeners also learn from and relate to the personal experiences and hardships shared by the hosts.
This podcast is hosted by Jill Schlesinger, a Certified Financial Planner. It breaks down complex personal finance issues into simple, easy to comprehend topics for an average person. The podcast deals with a variety of money management topics like retirement planning, early retirement, mortgage repayment, taking out a second lien, etc.
Dominique Henderson's YouTube channel helps individuals attain financial literacy, learn about their money management matters, and experience "financial contentment."
This YouTube channel aims to provide an easy to understand and practical training program to viewers around the management of personal finances and investments.
Hosted by Divas R Frugal, this YouTube channel focuses on educating women about personal finance matters and handling money management stress by providing goal setting tips.
Hosted by Alison Southwick and Robert Brokamp, the Motley Fool Answers podcast helps provide listeners with practical money management tips and form a deep understanding of various personal finance concepts.
Planet Money aims to educate listeners about the impact of the economy on their personal finance matters. It breaks down complex fundamental problems into simple terms and narrates them in an engaging and fun manner.
This YouTube channel hosted by influencer Denis deals with educating viewers about personal finance, investing, and retirement. It deals with a variety of money management topics like monthly budget planning, getting out of debt, budget reports, how investing works, saving money, learning about retirement accounts, and more.
With over 400k subscribers, Jeremy's channel helps viewers learn about the concepts of investing, personal finance, and entrepreneurship in a simple and an engaging manner.
This highly popular financial podcast hosted by Joshua Sheats covers a wide variety of personal finance and investing topics and draws upon the analysis of industry experts.
The Total Money Makeover is an all-time bestselling book by Dave Ramsey. "It has helped millions of families get rid of debt and change their lives forever with its simple, practical seven-step plan."
This financial management company was launched by Amanda Steinberg in 2009 to deliver "advice across all areas of finance, career, and entrepreneurship via our daily email and website." Daily Worth claims to be a top financial media company designed for women.
As a personal finance company, Bankrate guides people through the "pivotal steps of their financial journey." The organization offers advice and guidance on the best savings account to open and also provides tips for building adequate savings.
Broke Millennial is Erin Lowry's official website in which she posts blog articles to help millennials understand finance. She has also written the book "Broke Millennial," among others.
Nolo Network was formed by the integration of some legal sites such as AllLaw.com and Divorcenet.com to become leading internet legal sites. The platform also offers tutorials on money management.
This is Phil Town and Rule #1 Investing's official YouTube channel. It contains videos on how to invest and tips to manage your finances.
Through this Youtube channel, Nate O'Brien teaches personal finance.
Ellevest is a New York-based financial services company targeting women. The company is on a mission to cover up the gender-investing gap and help women gain financial control. Its blog is regarded as a "hidden gem in the world of personal finance advice."
This podcast is hosted by Farnoosh Torabi, an award-winning financial strategist. She interviews top business leaders in order to teach personal finance to beginners.
The Fairer Cents is personal finance podcast geared towards women. It's hosted by Kara Perez and Tanja Hester.
This podcast features J. David Stein who teaches how to "invest and handle finances in ways that are simple to understand."
EveryDollar is an app that helps users organize their finances. It's available on Google Play and the AppStore.
This app is a personal finance planner that is easy to use and understand. It's available on Google Play and the AppStore.
Money Manager is a personal finance manager app for iOS and Android. Some of its features include calendar visuals, charts, asset graphs, and a monthly budget.
Mvelopes is a software version of the cash envelope budgeting system that helps users take control of their finances, create good financial habits, and give every dollar a job.
This financial management tool helps users invest and plan.
Wealthtrace is a financial planning tool that helps people budget their money and set savings goals.
This book contains 99 basic principles for money management.
Your Money or Your Life is a book about changing financial habits.
This is a bestselling book focused on personal financial management.
This book, written by Jen Sincero, takes readers on a journey towards financial success.
The Mad Fientist podcast covers topics related to financial independence and early retirement.
Wealthfront´s blog provides personal financial planning, wealth management, and investment advice.
This blog is written by Jeff Rose, a Certified Financial Planner who aims to help people take control of their money.
Founded by David Nin in 2007, Money Ning offers insight into money management, investing, frugal living, and other financial areas.
Spendee is an app that helps users with money management.
This is an app helps users manage and control their money.
Acorns is an app that assists users in investing, saving, and spending responsibly
With this app, users are able to manage their expenses.
Clarity Money assists users in managing their finances.
This budgeting tool helps people track their spending.
CountAbout is an online tool that helps people get control and track of their finances.
Pocketsmith is a personal finance software that helps people manage their money.
Buxfer is an online tool that helps users take control of their finances.
This is a software that enables individuals to manage their finances.
Money Under 30 is a website that focuses on providing young people free financial advice.
This website provides financial tips and makes finance easy to understand.
WiseBread focuses on providing people financial advice.
Kiplinger is a website that provides financial tips and tricks along with business and finance forecasts.
This is a personal finance website that provides money management advice.
Banking Sense is a blog that provides advice, tips, and news on personal finance.
This blog is written by J.D. Roth and contains information to educate people about money management.
Frugalwoods is a blog written by a couple that aims to teach people how to manage their finances.
This book provides actionable advice to help young professionals conquer their financial goals early in life.
This book, written by David Bach, aims to educate readers on how to take control of their finances.
The Millionaire Next Door is a bestselling book that identifies 7 common traits among people who've accumulated wealth.
Through this YouTube channel, Andrew Hingston explains financial concepts easily.
Garrett Gunderson's YouTube channel teaches viewers about personal finance.
This podcast aims to educate people on basic finance to achive financial independence.
Hosted by Grant Sabatier, this podcast interviews experts on money, meaning, and how to find it.
The book provides strategies for readers of any income level or household size to create significant savings without changing their lifestyle.
This book provides 12 practical lectures for regular people to learn how to make sound financial decisions at every stage of their lives.
This book provides the basics of money management and useful tips to become financially independent.
This book provides readers with information on how to develop effective budgets and achieve financial independence.
This step-by-step guide provides the fundamentals of money management to help readers take control of their cash flow at every stage of their life.
This podcast features the host Jeremy Quittner discussing real-life financial issues faced by average Americans and providing smart money management tips.
Produced by Kiplinger, this podcast provides timely, actionable guidance and practical insights to help listeners manage their personal finances.
Podcast host Lillian provides practical, approachable financial advice to help listeners reduce their money stress and manage other aspects of their personal finances.
Wholesome Wallet publishes articles that educate the average Americans about money management and how to make smart financial decisions.
NerdWallet publishes well-researched articles to educate readers about money management, financial product comparisons and has a section called “Managing Money,” which focuses on finding ways to stretch the money you already have.
The Simple Dollar publishes useful articles to help readers learn how to manage their personal finances and make smart financial decisions.
GreenPath publishes articles and webinars that provide tools and tips for managing finances, getting out of debt, improving credit and more. They focus on topics that address their clients' needs.
Invested Wallet publishes articles to educate readers about money management and how to achieve financial independence.
Greater Nevada Credit Union publishes articles that feature money management tips for Americans at every stage of their lives.
Plinqit is an app offered by First Community Bank that allows users to read articles and view videos about personal finance management, as well as save through their app.
Annuity.org has published articles about how to manage money and the basics of personal finances in its “Financial Literacy” section.
Oprah.com publishes lifestyle articles that focus on personal finance topics in their home and finance section.
The app includes a feature that allows users to receive personalized coaching about their personal finances.
The book provides readers with information related to personal finance management such as financial planning, money-saving tips, debt management, wealth management, and budget planning.
The book provides readers with information on how to develop a winning mindset, set the right goals, and cultivate good habits to meet their personal finance goals.
The author used a family’s journey of clearing over $40,000 worth of debt in two years to teach readers practical lessons about personal finance management.
This book provides information on how to adopt a minimalist approach to budgeting and managing personal finances.
This book teaches readers about the power of proper budgeting to get their personal finances in order.
This book for personal finance beginners teaches readers how to make their income fit their needs, as well as plan and save for short-term and long-term goals.
This book was written to help readers gain confidence in making personal finance decisions through understanding financial jargon, the processes of financial institutions, and other personal finance basics.
This podcast provides information about the various basic personal finance topics like debt, retirement, investing, marriage, and insurance using Dave Ramsey's unique approach.
A classic for anyone looking to learn about money and growing wealth. The book has sold over 100 million copies globally since it was released in the 1970s. The information within is just as relevant today as it was back then.
Betterment is a robo-advisor platform for retirement investing that automates the process to make investing easier.
Do you know how much you spend on subscriptions each month? That's where Truebill help. It's a platform to help stay on top of your money and find savings where possible.
With so many deals popping up online from season to season, it can be a nightmare deciding to pay full price now or wait potentially two weeks to get a huge discount. Klarna helps you do just that. It informs you when your pinned wishlist has a price drop, so you don't have to check back every week.
Ramit does what his blog tells you he's going to do. The website is a treasure trove of advice for anyone looking for way to increase their income and become more wealthy overall.
Looking to learn about money in laymen's terms from the people who write about it for international publications? Go here.
Stash is the easy to use platform for people looking for a modern approach to investing. You invest using fractional shares, allowing you to purchase from as little as $5 of stocks in the worlds largest companies. They also offer banking, making this a really useful one-stop shop for money.
Fresh EBT is an app to help you manage your food stamp balance, as well as find coupons to save on your groceries.